How to Reduce Your Social Posting Efforts to Almost Zero and Still Get Great Results

It’s really easy to overlook certain things when posting on social media. You may
post a great video to TikTok but your Instagram followers don’t get a chance to see
it. Or, you post the link to a great blog post across most of your social media
channels, but you miss one. These mistakes are common, but they can hurt your
social media posting goals. Fortunately, there are ways to automate these tasks so
you can avoid mistakes and free up time to get back to your business.
Using Automation Software in Your Social Posting
There are many apps and tools that will allow you to automate your social posting
efforts. Hootsuite, Agorapulse, SocialPilot, and Zoho Social are just a few of the
online tools that can automatically publish your posts to your social media feeds.
These tools use commands to automatically perform one action any time another
action is performed. For example, using an automation tool, you can automatically
publish your blog post to your social media feeds as soon as it is published to your
Why Use Automation Tools in Your Social Posting
The tasks you have to perform on social media are critical when promoting your
business, but they are also very time-consuming. Automating the task of posting to
social media can significantly reduce the amount of time you have to spend on the
different platforms, so you can go back to running your business. Your company
will be promoted across any social media platform you have created a profile on,
without ever logging on.
When Should You Not Use Automation Tools for Social Posting?
Automation is a great tool that can go a long way when promoting your business
across social media. However, there are times when you may not want to automate
your social posting. For example, an image that displays beautifully on Instagram
may not show as well on Twitter. In this instance, manually posting the picture
may get more engagement than automating it. Some social media platforms also
have specific rules surrounding automation. It is important to familiarize yourself
with the terms of each platform before posting so you do not violate them, which
could get your company banned from a site.

The Bottom Line
Automating your social posting is a great way to free up your time, while still
promoting your business where it is most useful. Research the different automation
tools available before choosing one to determine which one is right for your
business, and then use them in a way that will best increase engagement.

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